Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Something New for Mother's Day Gifts: Make an App!

Share this code with your students and then have them make changes to make it their mom's favorite things. Go to Bitsbox.com/go 

If you'd like to share the app in a card, share this Google Slides file with your students. Have them add the screenshot and QR code from the app. Print it out, fold, and write a nice message inside.

Mother's Day Card Template - Go to File: Make a Copy to use the file.

If you need to make accounts for the class to save their apps, go to https://bitsbox.com/tools/

Note: Bitsbox is a subscription service. There are quite a few options that students can do for free. I do subscribe to this but I don't get any compensation for posting. I just like it :) 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Embed Code Now Available in Google Sites

Google just rolled out the ability to embed code into the new Google Sites. The first thing I thought of was that this will be great to share Stop Animation projects using Google Slides.

See my previous post about creating Stop Animation - Google Slides to Stop Animation.
Take the published embed code and add it to a Google Site.

Find the timing for the slides in the code - delayms=1000 and change it to a faster transition. I usually start by trying at least 200ms. That would be 5 slides per second. (MS is milliseconds. 1000ms equals 1 slide per second. The default is usually 3000ms - 3 seconds per slide.)