Sunday, July 26, 2015

Class Dojo adds Groups!

Just after I wrote my last post about Class Dojo they announced a major update, you now can make groups! Introducing Class Dojo Groups :)

This is a feature that we have been wanting for quite awhile. I even tried to do a work around last year by just making up new student monsters and calling them Group 1, Group 2, etc. It was not the same.

The great feature that Class Dojo has created is that you can create groups in many different ways, Kids can be in more than one group. When you give a group a point, each student in the group gets a point, but get this, you can still track how the group is doing as a whole!

The other thing I've been prepping to use for Class Dojo has been some badges for my class. I'm looking at using BadgeList this year but badges can be used in a lot of ways. I got the idea for badges from Alice Keeler (are you following her yet? because you should!)

Here is a link to the badges I'm working on to use with Class Dojo. Feel free to make a copy and modify as you'd like. The images of the belts are from and the images of monsters are from Class Dojo's Teacher Resources. I'd appreciate a link back to my blog if you share them on a blog yourself.

Click below on individual images to download your own copies to your google drive.

Click below for your copies

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Class Dojo + Class Economy

I love Class Dojo!
I started using it within the first couple of months it was released. My second graders love the monster avatars and I love the ease of tracking behaviors.

I love the ability to add behaviors easily and have the kids suggest things that are important to them. They really love the weighted behaviors so that when they get a "5" in PE, the whole class gets 5 points! And good behavior for a substitute means multiple points too!

It's very easy for me to have my phone or ipad open to Dojo while working with a small group and noticing some great on task behavior across the room. A quick point with a "ding" is a positive reminder for the whole class.

In second grade, we work very hard to have the kids understand addition and subtraction. So using a class economy is something that helps the kids practice those skills in something meaningful to them. So about every other week Class Dojo points are tallied up, and the kids get a paycheck with their total.

They can use that to buy things at our student store. But, as a teacher, I don't want to be spending any more than I already am - so the store is stocked with printed passes for things the kids love but are free to me. Front of the Line, 10 Minutes Computer Free Time, Homework Pass, Sit in a Special Chair, etc.

Even the regular pencils and erasers kids use need to be purchased at the store (we write their names on the pencils.) We do have a treasure box, but it's stocked with whatever small toys the kids want to donate from their toy boxes. My kids even loved to purchase sheets of colored paper for drawing ;)

The thing is, they need to fill out their shopping list, total it up, and make sure they have enough to cover it. As we move in to subtraction, they need to figure out their change also.

I've just redesigned my Dojo Paychecks and Dojo money. I plan to probably print it in black and white to save money on color but we'll see how it goes. Feel free to download and use. The images are from the Class Dojo image pack.

Dojo Paycheck File

Dojo Paycheck Image File (in case you want to add your name before printing.)

Dojo Bucks File

A couple tips: I plan to add my students names to the paycheck file so I don't have to write all of the names each time. Also, I just look at the Dojo screen and write the total of points on the checks. Then I reset the points till the next payday. Super easy.

Managing Data from Reading Log Google Forms

Previously, I've blogged about using Google Forms for Reading Logs and Responses. Click here Fun with Forms or here Google Form Fun to check out those earlier posts. I've been using Google Forms for Reading Response for a couple years now. There are several great benefits to doing this: 1) no paper copies, 2) all of the responses are in one place, and 3) did I say no paper copies?

Here are a couple images of reading logs we've used in the last year.

When you use Google Forms, all of the responses are collected in a spreadsheet. This makes it easy to check the responses. You can sort them based on name, date, title of book or more. Here is an image of one of the spreadsheets (names are removed.)

When you change the form depending on the response focus and reading standard you end up with several spreadsheets of info.

So instead of having the answers go to a new spreadsheet each time, change the response destination so they go to a New Sheet in an Existing Spreadsheet. This way you'll have one master spreadsheet with all of the data. Each form will have it's own page in the spreadsheet.

Check out the screencast for details:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Awesome KeyTips

We already do so much as teachers, it's great when something can make things go even just a little bit faster and easier. Alice Keeler ( and @AliceKeeler on Twitter) shares many great KeyTips to make things go smoother.

Here are my top 2 for now:
  1. Control N (or Command N on a Mac) to open a new window and, if you need that window to be in incognito mode, try Control Shift N (or Command Shift N on a Mac). Why would you need an incognito window? I use it all the time when I need to log in to my account on someone else's device or in the workroom and I don't want to have to sign them out. The best place I use it is when I am demonstrating something from a student account side of things. Then I can just go back and forth between my teacher account and the student view.

  2. Control Shift T (or Command Shift T on a Mac) This one is magic! How many times do you close a tab and realize "Oh darn, I need one more thing there and I have to go find that page again!" Control Shift T reopens that tab! Magic right?!
I've decided to put 2 to 3 tips on a post it next to my computer till I remember to use them. Then I'll switch them for 2-3 more. Kind of like high frequency words for our kids. If you want to join me, write these down. If you want to see a bunch and pick the ones you like, go to